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625 478 960

685 301 559

625 478 960



Monday to Friday
Of 9:00h a 14:00h
Of 15:00h a 18:00h

Of 9:00h a 14:00h

How to get there?

Tree pruning specialists, Sale of wood and land cleaning

What can we offer you?


We are from the most requested tree pruning companies on the market. We develop quality work in pruning, where a platform does not get to enter.


In Renoambient we are dedicated to the sale of firewood, Marketing, Court and distribution of firewood for individuals, restaurants, Service stations …


For cleaning and debroce we use manual means, hand machinery and heavy machinery in those large areas of land that require it.


We carry more than 20 years offering our professional tree felling services, Unbroken plots and sale of firewood in Barcelona and surroundings.


We adapt to you, You can choose the schedule that suits you for any type of work you need to do on your plot or garden.

Economic prices

In Renoambient we have the cheapest prices without giving up quality.

Quick Budget

We will give you a budget adjusted to your needs in a maximum of 24 Hours

Renoambient It is a company dedicated to pruning and felling trees, Sale of firewood, Gardens cleaning, Plot cleares, Forest and agricultural works, Restoration and maintenance of natural spaces, Gardening maintenance service.

We have all the technical and human means necessary for the cleanliness and clearing of farms, installments, solar and land to individuals, prosecutors, communities of owners and companies both in the public and private sphere.

We work on the tasks of clearing, pruning and talas from an integral optics, responding properly to those challenges that are raised. We do it by addressing each situation in a personalized way and ensuring the greater efficacy in our interventions without losing sight at any time the sustainability of the work we do.

In Renoambient We are trained to do work in difficult access areas, where it is practically impossible to access with the necessary equipment and platforms because of the geography of the land, Seeing us forced to perform these work in the trepa style. Undoubtedly, our professionals always need the necessary security to perform the different tasks of tala of trees in height, regardless of the complexity that this can entail.

Our works extend mainly by Barcelona Capital and Cercanías.

If you want to know more about our services do not hesitate to contact us

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